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The auxiliary ministry outside of Sunday service you will experience at Trenches is to assist you in your growth as a person or as a man, woman, or young person, which in turn will make your family stronger and community richer. 

Revive Family Ministry 

Our Family Ministry is a partnership between parents and youth workers at Trenches Community Church. We value families doing ministry together whether they’re at home or serving and learning together on Sundays. Thanks for allowing us to help you develop your child into followers of Jesus Christ.

BeMen Men's Ministry 

Brotherhood is designed to make men into learners and followers of Jesus Christ. We want to meet men where they are and work with them to grow their relationship with our Heavenly Father. Our goal is to equip, empower, and enhance the kingdom God through relationship building and biblical teaching.

HerTime Women's Ministry

Our goal is to create a culture and community of women who have an authentic relationship with God. You will be empowered to stand on a biblical foundation, encouraged to find time to spend with God, and experience opportunities to grow through small groups and events. 

Mental Health Ministry

The Mental Health Ministry will empower individuals and families who have been touched in some way by mental illness. We don’t want you to continue to suffer in silence or stop coming to your faith community because of a lack of support. Our goal is to provide healing, wholeness, and hope in times of personal darkness, disparities and injustice.

Supportive Friend
Prayer & Simply Care Ministry

Prayer is essential at Trenches and being a part of the prayer coming to pass is what our Simply Care team is all about. Connect with us for prayer requests and other needs. We will assist where we can or direct you to the many resources within our

1Heart Marriage Ministry

Our goal is to create a space for couples to receive advice, encouragement, and training in their prospective relationships, through small groups and retreats. By applying what you've been equipped to do your marriage can't help but to flourish. 

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Living Water Ministry Home 

Living Water Ministry Home offers a tranquil and clean setting to counsel your clients. Our areas offer flexibility and commitment-free space. For more information and availability please email us at

Naomi's Village & Cornerstone Academy

Our reach goes beyond Kalamazoo and our region. Naomi’s Village is our global mission field who we have support with with our presence, twice in the past 5 years, and financially. Currently 9 children from NV and Cornerstone are financially supported by several of us who have made the trip. Enjoy the pics!

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